Is a data sharing portal for marine and oceanographic private
& public users. The first EOOS Conference will take place in Brussels on 21-23 November
at The Egg, 175 Bara Street, 1070 Brussels.
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) consists of more than 160 organisations that together work on assembling, harmonising and making marine data, products and metadata more available to public and private users. This Data Ingestion portal facilitates additional data managers to ingest their marine datasets for further processing, publishing as open data and contributing to applications for society.
The EMODnet members are national and regional marine and oceanographic data repositories and data management experts from Europe. They have arrangements and infrastructures in place at national, international and European level for providing long term stewardship and access to marine and oceanographic data as collected by research, monitoring and survey programmes from more than a thousand data originators from public, research and private sectors.
The speed and the ease with which users can identify, locate, access, exchange and use data and information about the oceans and seas are the keys to the success of community marine research projects and to effective support of marine economic and marine management activities.
The EMODnet Data Ingestion portal seeks to identify and to reach out to other potential providers in order to make their data sets also part of the total offer. This can concern historic data sets that can become part of the large European archives that might be of use for many applications. This can also concern operational oceanography data streams from monitoring platforms that can become part of the European operational oceanography data exchange for feeding forecasting models and supporting various operations.
The EMODnet Data Ingestion portal aims at streamlining the data ingestion process so that data holders from public and private sectors that are not yet connected to the existing marine data management infrastructures can easily release their data for safekeeping and subsequent distribution through EMODnet. This will enrich the total offer for all types of users and conform to the EMODnet motto 'collect data once and use it many times'.
EMODnet Secretariat
InnovOcean Site (Entrance: Warehouse 68)
Wandelaarkaai 7
8400 Oostende, Belgium
Office phone: +32 (0) 59 341428
Mobile: +32 (0) 497433371
email: info@emodnet.eu

website is provided on a free basis as a public information
service. copyright © Cleaner
Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774)
2018. Solar
Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom.
is a charity without share capital. The names AmphiMax™,
and SeaVax™
are trade names used under license by COF in connection with their 'Feed
The World' ocean cleaning sustainability campaign.