PLANET A - In the role of guardians of your geographical regions, there is also a responsibility to develop the blue economy for the international circular economies that a sustainable society requires if we are not to burn planet earth out. At the moment they are roasting us to stay richer than the next guy. Each country indulging in looting of their natural resources to varying degrees. Looting meaning lopping trees without replanting, and other cash crop schemes, causing an imbalance in nature.
By virtue of membership of the G20 South Africa admits to being one of the top twenty greed driven countries of the world in terms of banking and finance, where such economic actors are (unfortunately) in turn linked to fossil fuel use, where such methods of powering our factories, homes and cars is a significant contributor to global warming.
At the moment, greedy economies are based on growth, where we have already reached the tipping point in terms of overheating the planet. Growth means using more fuel to create products that in turn means more greenhouse gases. Growth, means up scaling homes that use more fuel. Growth means a higher standard of living, when sustainability means creating an equitable society, free of financial slavery. Growth, means more lending and borrowing than is absolutely necessary in a fair society.
Bankers are not productive workers. They shuffle paper money around doing their best to encourage borrowing, when they earn a nice fat fee for doing nothing. The more money they lend, the more money they make from borrowers paying interest. Governments love banks and businesses, because they can charge tax to support another army of non-productive civil servants - whose job it is to work out ways of squeezing more money from their workforce; the citizens who voted the politicians in.
The higher the price of living, the more the controlling wealthy elite earn from not working. Creating a population of financial slaves. Slavery earned fortunes for many countries, who relied on stealing the lives of (mainly Africans) to work on plantations. Eventually, straight forward shackling of humans was declared illegal in most countries - when banking took over. Chaining young families to a life of dependence on borrowing, shackling them to paper money. Whereas, sustainability demands a fairer society, where people keep more of what they earn, so reducing energy use, in not having to work twice just to live, so that the bankers can live in luxury without lifting a finger.
Bankers have re-invented slavery. Banks financed the slave trade. Selling slaves as assets many times over, such that a slave could never buy their freedom to become a free man.
Governments treat their citizens in the same way. Where banks sell money, governments tax income, housing, goods, and finally death. In return they offer very little because they are free to spend taxes on war machines and empire building, and borrowing to artificially shore up services that are not equitable. Banks love that. They are enslaving governments who are stupid enough to borrow, to get their politicians re-elected, where they have squandered the taxes that should have been better spent.
BANKS - Financed the slave trade, inventing instruments to enable trading a person's life as an asset many times over. Irresponsible governments raise taxes to steal more money from their citizens to pay for their excesses and inefficiencies. Irresponsible governments borrow from banks to artificially prop up policies that do not work. That is how we get national debts that the workers are paying through the nose for.
This has gone on for so long that we have reached crisis point in terms of global warming. Hence, South Africa would benefit from reducing greenhouse gases by greening their transport system, building affordable (sustainable) housing and planting sufficient trees, to exceed deforestation practices, to justify the splendor of their monumental excesses in cities, and spending on war machines.
They will also need to address Financial Slavery, in their efforts to create a Circular Economy.
It could be argued that the Greedy 20 are the guardians and examples to other nations as to how to conduct themselves. Setting a good example for others to follow. But at the moment, the example they are setting has placed the world in dire straits. It might then be useful to take a look at the recent history of politics in action over the last 100 years, to see where the world is going wrong. It was over 100 years ago that WWI started, heralding in negative globalization.
From an overview of the 20th Century (or 2nd Millennium), one might see parallels and trends that are disturbing, but necessary (no matter how distasteful, and for that we apologize, but speaking of nice things is only masking the underlying trend) as reminders, in the context of the potential Extinction of the human race - that many believe we are now facing.
One shining beacon as a ray of hope, is the Climate Change Act 2008, the only statutory undertaking in the G20, binding the United Kingdom to 100% reduction of carbon dioxide (as an example) by 2050.
Another beacon of hope, is the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, but these are not legally enforceable, allowing the Greedy 20 to carry on as before.
AUTHORIZATION - It only takes a piece of paper to change the course of history. The words that are written on such a document, may lead to the loss of lives of millions of human beings, if we allow dictators to pursue a course of action unchallenged as to ethics and morals.
Apart from the UK, the World needs a Climate Action Plan and legislation to protect Planet Earth, to coordinate the efforts of member nations that will in turn benefit each other as they each move to clean, renewable energy to create their circular economies.
We must learn from the lessons of the past to work faster to protect those who cannot protect themselves from the unprovoked financial aggression (expansion) on the part of any nation, aimed at another nation or nations, to their detriment. We also need to curb lending to individuals, by making affordable products, and gearing the economy to the lowest wage earner, such that they are not slaves to the banks and landlords for all of their lives.
Where new money has welled up in the form of oil and gas that has been sold off in bonanza fashion to fund empiric booms from the windfalls. Clean energy that threatens to extinguish those income streams, might replenish their coffers in a more regular fashion, bringing stability and energy independence for all. Energy independence and food security are two essentials for world peace, as is respect for borders, physical and financially. Cheap energy for all is a UN SDG.
Those in positions of trust, owe a special duty to those who are effectively under their care.
The G20 (or G-20 or Group of Twenty) is an international forum for governments and central bank governors from:
Founded in 1999, the G20 aims to discuss policy pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability, which policies have consistently ignored climate warming at the expense of economic growth that they should have known was unsustainable. As such this group of financial controllers are responsible for putting the lives of future generations at risk.
They could rightly be called the GLOBAL WARMING 20. They have ignored scientific and physical evidence of the world getting hotter. They have seen the polar ice caps melt. They have created deserts and caused the deaths of millions of animals, calling into question their ability to read the signs. If they cannot understand the world situation, are they qualified to make decisions that affect the planet?
What else could you call any group that leads their citizens to the brink of annihilation - apart from the Architects of Doom. They are leading us into an anthropocene epoch, where it appears that they think they are the masters of the planet to the extent that they can kill other humans and animals, and that the planet and everyone in it is at their command for disposal as they see fit. Does that not remind you of the ambitions of a certain dictator? Are they monsters?
What will it take to make these myopic kleptocrats clear the fiscal fog from their lenses? It won't be long before there is no financial system for them to worry about - and no banks. Clearly, the present banking system is bad for the planet. Money lenders are making financial slaves of the populations they control. Oil companies have been responsible for continued burning of fossil fuels that are causing cancers and other respiratory diseases. Should they not be made to pay compensation - and should there not be Government Health Warnings on petrol and diesel vehicles - and coal fired electricity generating stations!
It is surely time for a new system based on natural harmony, where greed is as big a crime as genocide, mainly because it is greed driven excess that is pumping greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. The Greedy 20 are the collective Master Race, gassing everyone in the bubble we call planet earth, in a pseudo eugenics program, akin to world domination, where the winners will be those regions that would normally be inhospitable without global warming - and the losers will be those regions that were hospitable, but are being turned into deserts. It is a new kind of warfare based on attrition. The weapons of this war are petrol and diesel engines and coal and oil fired electricity generating stations.
This Greedy Twenty, as the most powerful countries on earth, may want to take the time to visit a few of the monuments to mass murder from 1933 to 1939, before World War Two began:
1. Dachau (founded 1933)
2. Sachsenhausen (1936)
3. Buchenwald (1937)
4. Flossenbürg in northeastern Bavaria near the 1937 Czech border (1938)
5. Mauthausen, near Linz, Austria (1938) and
6. Ravensbrück, the women's camp, established in Brandenburg Province, southeast of Berlin (1939), after the dissolution of Lichtenburg.
What monuments to Climate Change will be left behind for any visitors to planet earth to see?
There are the inhabitants of another 140 countries to consider, not just the geographical boundaries of the Greedy 20. As a result of the world going to war for a second time, the United Nations formed rules to protect humans from humans. These rules are seen in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
For some reason, the Greedy20 seem to think they can ignore these rules. Much the same as Adolf Hitler slithered out of the Treaty of Versailles, following the defeat of Germany in 1918. This was the primary treaty produced by the Paris Peace Conference at the end of World War I. It was signed on June 28, 1919, by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles. It went into effect on January 10, 1920. Though Germany signed the treaty, plainly, it was not witnessed in good faith. It might well have been a piece of toilet paper for all it was worth.
CONCENTRATION CAMPS - These were a British invention, that up until WW2, a number of countries had adopted as a tool for their administrations to single out those they deemed subhuman. In some cases linked to eugenics programs such as the American Way in the USA. The G20 are turning the whole planet into one giant concentration camp - with policies to control, enslave and subdue anyone brave enough to stand up and question them.
Greedy20 states:
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